Cookie Bar Work Experience - by Leilah Sheridan, Head of Employability and Post 16 at Undershaw
One of the highlights of my week are the Year 9 work placements at the Cookie Bar and Bike Bar where our students have their first immersive offsite work experience. This is so much more than an industry insight; it is the opportunity for students to develop essential skills and build confidence by:
Listening - Attending a Health and Safety Induction
Speaking - Answering questions such as 'why is it important to check the fridge temperatures daily?'
Problem Solving - Identifying hazards or using maths to ensure the cookie portions are even.
Creativity - Thinking about flavour combinations and ensuring the finished product looks attractive.
Staying Positive - It is a busy working environment.
Aiming High - Trying something different and meeting new people.
Leadership - Using self reflection to set targets.
Teamwork - To be part of a team and work together to get the job done!
I asked our student "What went well and what are you proud of?" and they answered, " The goal I set was to make them (the cookies) and that they (The Cookie Bar) will sell them" " I tried something new".
Target achieved! ⭐️